Camptune For Mac

  • 1183 次查看 317 次下载
  • 分类:工具
  • 标签:paragons paragon camptunes camptune redistributes redistribute disks disk reallocates reallocate partitions partition deletes delete partitions partition recreates recreate ntfs ntf partitions partition restores restore partit
  • 时间:2019年05月24日 更新 文件大小: 14.5 MB
  • 开发商:Paragon 官网首页
  • 支持类型: Mac OS X 10.11 or later 32-bit support in Related Links Boot Camp (Windows XP SP2 or later, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1) Support for uEFI Boot Camp configuration
  • 支持语言:未知
  1. Paragon Camptune X For Mac
  2. Camptune For Macbook Air
  3. Paragon Camptune For Mac

Paragon CampTune allows Mac users to redistribute free space between macOS and Windows quickly and without data loss, easily adding gigabytes of free space for either operating system. After installing Windows on a Mac using Apple’s Boot Camp Assistant, users eventually run out of available free space on one or both partitions. Note: Paragon CampTune only supports configurations where Mac and Windows volumes are adjacent (doesn’t concern service partitions in between like Recovery HD and MSR). If you have a user volume between your Boot Camp volumes, please use Hard Disk Manager for Mac for redistributing free space.

来自Mac App Store官方介绍


CampTune makes your Boot Camp Windows partition freely resizable. You may need to adjust the size of your Windows partition when, for example, you run out of disk space or want to install an application with particularly high storage requirements. CampTune provides a simple slider to redistribute storage space between Macintosh HD and Boot Camp Windows partitions. The resize operation is safe, fast and easy.

  • Support for Any Boot Camp-supported version of Windows
  • Logical volumes on the hybrid Fusion Drives can be resized
  • FileVault encrypted volumes are supported
  • Paragon CampTune can perform resize operations with a system disk in macOS even with System Integrity Protection turned on
  • Apple File System is fully supported

In the past, to reallocate free space on your Mac, you'd need to back up the Boot Camp partition, delete the partition, recreate an NTFS partition with a new size and, finally, restore the Windows partition backup to the new NTFS partition, a process that could take anywhere between two to five hours. Fortunately, Paragon Software has developed Camptune X, which achieves the same result in a matter of minutes!

Paragon camptune x for mac



Version 10.14.16:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


相关截图 图片数: 3 张(点击图片查看大图)

  • 上一条:BackupSync
  • 下一条:Kepture – GIF screen captures

下载列表 文件数: 3文件大小: 14.5 MB举报

Camptune for Mac (链接无效或不能下载请点击反馈给我们)
1.dl.paragon-software.com官方原版v10.13.433912018-06-11网友共享Mac 版点击下载
2.partner.lizhi.io网友共享版v最新1402019-05-07网友共享Mac 版点击下载
3.dl.paragon-software.com官方原版v10.14.16852019-05-24网友共享Mac 版点击下载


WinClone should be able to do this but it might not do it the way you want.


I have used WinClone to backup an existing smaller Boot Camp partition on one Mac and then restore it on a larger new Mac with a larger Boot Camp partition. Normally it would restore as the same size as the original but WinClone does let you expand during the restore.

What it does not do is do this in situ. You could of course use WinClone to backup and restore to the same Mac but restore to a bigger partition.

Paragon Camptune X For Mac

Camptune For Macbook Air

To do it in situ you need a different tool called CampTune. See -

Paragon Camptune For Mac

Note: Boot Camp Assistant would also not do what you want. It can only change the size by completely deleting the existing one and then creating a new differently sized one.